Sunday, March 15, 2009


Heroes is getting pretty ridiculous.

I miss the old Peter Petrelli. The one who hadn't lost his memory and wound up in Ireland, somehow. That Peter. Sylar is still amazing--remorseless. But it's kind of annoying how he kills all one the cool guest stars. All the way from Charlie, the waitress with the good memory, to Elle, his GIRLFRIEND no less. I kind of miss my box set of season one. Breanna, that borrowing scum. Season three was alright. Even numbers = bleh.

Saturday, March 14, 2009



I had downloaded the comic and read about half before going to see the movie tonight. Good thing I did, or I wouldn't have understood a thing. The "awkward sex scene" wasn't all that awkward. Now had I sat next to Nick or Aaron, uhm. And why was everyone saying there were penises everywhere? I barely noticed it. Dahh! Daniel Dreiberg was the most awkward, dorky, adorable thing I've seen since Loser (2000). Overall, great movie.